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Insolita Film is the winner of the Pre-Seed Bid for the creation and consolidation of innovative startups with high-impact knowledge implementation and for spin-off initiatives in the field of research. The financial support is awarded by European Union, Italian Government, and Region of Lazio. The Fund aims to encourage the creation of innovative start-ups and support the first phases of their growth in order to make them appealing for the venture capital market and allow them to find the resources to consolidate their business idea. In parallel, the grant aims at strengthening the bond between research and enterprises through the promotion of research spin-offs. Startups and spin-offs are a stimulus for economic development and employment, especially for young and high profile professionals in the technology fields.


Follow this link to discover more about the European funds: www.europa.eu


Insolita Film presented its innovative solution and its prospects in June 2017, realising a business plan covering a year of activities, to be fulfilled no later than 12 months from the assignment of the Commitment Agreement (Project Completion). Insolita Film S.r.l. is innovative from the perspective of: 


– the business process, thanks to the involvement of Art, Creativity and Culture within the management process of the Partner Firms;


 – cultural and social impact, with the aim of attracting entrepreneurs’ interest in orienting the development of their business towards sustainability, through digital tools and methodologies specific to the creative and cultural industries;


 – the digital platform that will host Insolita Film’s network of Artists and Partner Firms, a virtual platform for meetings and exchange with the aim of triggering processes of mutual benefit.


Following extensive research and market surveys, we are oriented towards the economic fields that are developing and growing, especially businesses in the fields of green and sustainable economy.


Everything concerning the entrepreneur’s involvement – the creative analysis of the business, the specific issues to overcome, the processing, the feasibility study of the idea and the proposal of the artistic solution to the customer – take place both in the real world and on the platform. That way, the communication and work flow can be managed in an easier and more efficient way, also amplifying the collaboration between enterprises and artists from all over the world.


C.I.A.K.-in. Culture, Innovation, Art and Know-how join the Enterprise Platform Artists/Businesses


The C.I.A.K.-in project consists in designing and creating a digital platform able to interconnect Businesses, Entrepreneurs, and Artists and promote the communication and the exchange between them. With CIAK-IN, Culture, Innovation, Art and Know-how join the Business World to create change and enable a sustainable growth process.


Insolita Film is the interpreter and the mediator between these two worlds, to protect their relationship and partnership, throughout its entire process from initial idea to the final product.



The Software

CIAK-in is a ‘collaborative platform’ supervised by Insolita Film. It requires authentication by login and password. Insolita Film, through its Admin profile, manages two kinds of users, for enterprises and artists.


How it works

Artists and Entrepreneurs create a user profile, following the guidelines provided by Insolita Film. Through a specific questionnaire, all the technical and artistic proficiencies of the people involved, as well as those non-deductible from their CV, will be translated into tags that identify the artists by unconventional aspects, e.g. their inclinations, predispositions, knowledge and interest fields. The questionnaire is the main tool that the A.I. algorithm uses to analyze information in the database to find the connections and then create synergies between enterprises and artists. The user profile can be constantly updated, since it is a personalized portfolio where experiences and interests can be added and modified accordingly as they occur.


                                 Enterprise                                          Artist
The entrepreneur can: The artist can:
  • Manage their business profile
  • Manage their Artist page
  • Launch an Open Call or a request on the
  • Monitor which enterprises have visited
    their profile on the activity log
  • Search for Artists
  • Search for Enterprises
  • Contact The Administrator
  • Have access to the training videos and the handbooks reserved to the artists
  • Have a list of favourite artists
  • Continuously update the replies to the questionnaire
  • Have access to the training videos and the
    handbooks reserved to the enterprises
  • Manage the ongoing projects
  • Continuously update the replies to the
  • Manage the ongoing projects



Insolita Film’s mission is to renovate the cultural production system by the involvement of enterprises and private investors in the process of cultural and artistic creation.


The challenge is to raise interest and awareness among entrepreneurs that work outside the artistic and cultural field, offering them the chance to innovate and develop their business in a sustainable way.


Culture can become the viable alternative to “cost-cutting” measures, representing an investment with great potential that entrepreneurs can use to address their needs.



            Advantages for the entrepreneur                      Advantages for the artist
  • sharing the values of their enterprise though creative solutions and cultural products (films, documentaries, emotional videos, branded web series, exhibitions, concerts, cultural events);
  • putting their art and profession at the service of a non-artistic purpose;
  • promoting their Brand in international contexts and in an original way through universal contents (participation to the International Film Festival);
  • promoting themselves and their projects, interacting with entrepreneurs of different natures;
  • becoming competitive on the market using art and cultural assets as a social keystone for unique works, such as artists’ projects;
  • cultivating contexts in which they can monetize their own art;
  • representing an active part in the cultural production process, supporting the development of participatory culture (culture to be seen as a key factor linked to the current and future socio-economic development of a country);
  • making themselves more independent against the traditional financing system, weaving connections with a network of entrepreneurs.
  • getting to know and acquiring new tools, also employing proficiencies that go beyond the entrepreneurial field.





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  The productive-economic human activity impacts the environment, the cultural and social context that nowadays, more than ever, needs innovative


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